An Ode to my Old Work

For the last 2 years, unit 1007 has been my home from 7:30am to 6:00pm, roughly an 11 hour spending of my day. Writing report, eating qualitative and quantitative data for breakfast, lunch and merienda, talking with clients, running around the Metro, midnight roadtrips and foodtrips, and so much more are my main perks for being a Research Executive.

I-View was where it all started. I came across the agency when I was looking for an OJT place and from then on, while still on the academy, I do small stints for I-View. So when I graduated, I never had second thoughts when the former Research Manager invited me to join the team. So days after passing my thesis, I am working, no time for dilly-dallying.

I would never be as competent and more responsible if it wasn't be for I-View. There I learned multi-tasking - eating lunch while running data tables, or answering questionnaires while on the road. I think I have mastered the in and outs of the research agency, because I experienced not only Account Servicing, but also Data Analysis and even fieldwork. Being in a small research agency gave me the convenience of learning everything, and talking with more experienced marketing professionals.

My life with I-View was not only a matter of professional relationship. There I met the people I will share long lasting friendships with. That no matter how low your clients treat you, they are always ready to listen to your rants, to do stress eating with you, to accompany you in the hottest of the days, walking and running in major highways just to be sure you make in right on time. There you meet friends that would back you up, but will surely punch you when you are too negative about things. They would invite to small lunch, small get-togethers, allows you to make decisions for them, consults you when they are unsure of things, makes you a part of their life event planning.

But things come to an end, and opportunity came knocking on my door, and I am taking it. But rest assured, what ever I learned from I-View, the friends I made, the relationships that developed, will never be forgetten.

Thank you Unit 1007 for being the witness to these life events. Thank you girls and boys for being my professional friends, for spending days and overtimes with me, for pestering me when I am too busy to spend lunchtime with you.

For all the love, the friendships, the crying and laughing, for sharing your personal feelings and ideas. I have found a great family with you.

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